Aws Resources
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Connect Your Multiple EC2 Servers with ELB.
Start and Stop Your EC2 Instance
Create S3 Bucket | 2 min read
Modifying User Data After Launching an Instance | 2 min read
How to enter user data in an EC2 instance while creating it.
Connect your AWS RDS Instance to Your MySQL Community Version for Management.
Edit Inbound Rules for Your AWS RDS to Use It via Your Local Machine
Make your AWS RDS database publicly accessible after creation.
How to Create an AWS RDS Database.
Securely Sharing Files with S3 Precision URLs.
Associate your site with a custom domain using AWS Route 53.
How to host your static website with AWS S3.
Generate s3 bucket policy with policy generator
Create Target Groups for Your Load Balancer
Resist Traffic Access to Your Servers Directly, Use LB Instead
Upload your files/folders to EC2 through WinSCP.
IAM: Create a Role
IAM: Create a Group
IAM: Create a User